ASPi as a CnBox featuring Papad and Presentations for decentralized audio annotations of online conversations
Listening and making sense of conversations need annotation, discovery and navigation tools. To give a glimpse, over 500 million online meetings happen per day in 2022. Many of these are recorded by facilitators for sharing of the meeting proceeds and for sense-making activities. Typically, the recordings stay on a cloud provided by the meeting host and hardly many revisit them for review for lack of time and lack of decentralized collaboration tools. Followups post the meeting are particularly aggravated when the meetings are with rural participants. Participants will not have a locally available recording nor can bookmark audio fragments during recording for revisiting needs. Therefore coordinating review discussions require obtaining the recording, making notes on what was said when, scheduling review discussion with local groups and then sharing with the meeting facilitators for a walk through. This process is especially aggravating for the remote rural participants who typically, unlike the facilitators, are low-literate and not able to minute the meetings with reference timestamps.
We propose CnBox, a plug and play Community Networking cloud server with decentralized recording and marking tool as one of its services. These tools also provide a Web interface for media archiving, annotations and discovery of related media fragments. The recordings are addressed by content and can be referenced across the shared networks. Annotations can be collaboratively shared or made in private that are only available on local networks. The resulting hypermedia archives interconnect as a Web of linked data that is inclusive of the low-literate or the remote participant communities. These tools are browser based and open source, and can be hosted even on personal computers.
use cases:
Audio conversations has been the main stay of human communications. As Internet reach for the rural and low-literate populations of the world is halting, interaction and interconnection support for audio based communications are a necessity to encourage utilitarian engagement. Collaborative media annotations can effectively contribute to decentralised hypermedia content networks. We have developed and deployed collaborative audio annotation tools in a number of community networks. These are in the contexts of listening sessions in rural contexts and mesh networks, community radio - curation and discovery, micro media and storytelling archives, ethnography and community health, and online learning in offline spaces during the COVID lockdown times. With this work, we ensure availability of packaged open source tools for self hosting in addition to devices that plugin to a participant network context for "sense-making as a service".
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