
Slots minutes of meetings - November 2021

25 November 2021

  • Arun and Bhanu have discussed papad server issue, Bhanu said we are having backup data, so will delete the old volume and create the new volume.

  • Bhanu and Athithya have discussed Papad setup to the Mayaa teams. Bhanu will ask them to install VNC viewer, through VNC will setup Papad on their laptop.

  • Bhanu have updated DA meeting. Shafali have updated Anthillhacks meeting.

  • Athithya and Mani going to check the server weekly once

22 November 2021

  • Dinesh, Mani and Athithya have discussed preparation for the ASPI Documentation

    • We have to keep in mind while making presentation

      • 1.mesh N/W

      • 2.Group wise connected to the area

      • 3.ASPI how to interconnect tthe people with media

  • Shared link:

19 November 2021


  1. Use Taragram Images to show Map exercise

  2. Mapping of the resources and showing interconnection and how people get populate and how other Pi’s will be replicated and bring it alive for the local needs.

  3. Show Papad and Syncthing workflow

Hardware Demo: (Requirement for a demo which works for Bhanu’s Pi listed below)

  1. TV with hdmi

  2. Raspberry pi

  3. Ethernet connection

  4. TP-Link

  5. Additional SIM card

  6. Micro Camera and microphone

Content Demo:

Application Demo:

  1. Papad Demonstration

15 November 2021

  • Athithya and Bhanu have discussed Papad upgrade changes and issues. Athithya said while updating Syncthing Default folder path to upload folder, The default folder is not changing to upload folder. Bhanu told he will check the issue.

  • Shafali, Mani and Athithya have discussed Taragram blog, images related to Taragram

  • Shafali have updated where and all ASPI is setup and whose having the pi and she said we have to think abou how to connect the people with pi and make interaction with them.

  • Bhanu said first will collect Pi setup details and what are all the software is installed on the Pi then we will slowly connect with them. Athithya said she will make the sheet to update details about ASPI and share with the team

  • Shafali asked help for the Nov 17th event

  • Shared Links:

    Anthillhack Hackmd page:

Last updated